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2 posts tagged with "event stream processing"

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· 2 min read
Sergi Kedrov

How to generate a flow of events having a timestamp, a random {key, value} pair and publish to Confluent Cloud? With no line of code. For free.

Let's repeat the excercise from the previous post. We'll generate a flow of events having a timestamp, a random {key, value} pair and publish to Confluent Cloud. The only difference is that we've to substitute the AWS SQS Write Node by the Confluent Write Node. With no line of code.

· 2 min read
Sergi Kedrov

How to generate a flow of events having a timestamp, a random {key, value} pair and publish to AWS SQS? With no line of code. For free.

It is often hard to get access to real flows of events due to data sensitivity, security restrictions, approval issues, etc. For prototyping purposes, real data may not be required. It is enough to generate data with the required characteristics. In this Post we'll show how to generate a flow of events having a timestamp, a random {key, value} pair and publish to AWS SQS. With no line of code.