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JSONin Node

The JSONin Node reads JSON messages from an input Topic, deserialises JSON messages, decomposes JSON objects to elements (except arrays), sends elements to the output Ports.

JSONin Node
JSONin Node

The JSONin Node has one empty output Port by default. The empty Port allows to transmit the entire JSON message to the output without destructuring.

Decomposed Ports from the sample JSON message
Decomposed Ports from the sample JSON message

The example above shows the sample input JSON message having the elements of different data types, the object, the array of objects, and the array of elements.

The JSONin Node allows to automatically generate the output Ports from the sample JSON messages in the input Topic. The output Ports can be also defined manually.

The JSONin Node reads the input sample messages, decomposes to the elements, detects obligatory and optional elements (depending if an element was found in each or in some samples), detects the type of data of the element, assigns a Port for each element. The Ports have colours in accordance with the type of data.

The first empty Ports is assigned to the entire JSON message.

Mind the Ports!

The user decides which Ports to use. The unused Ports should be hidden or deleted. To hide a Port click the "Eye" button in the Port's input field. To delete a Port drag the button to the left of the input field.

The Ports are displayed in the Node and in the Sidebar.

The Ports are used to link one Node with others on an element level.